Pheffer Amato Joins New Hamilton Beach Civic to Clean Hamilton Beach Park

Queens, NY New York State Assemblywoman Stacey Pheffer Amato joined the New Hamilton Beach Civic Association and the Jamaica Bay-Rockaway Park Conservancy at a cleanup at Hamilton Beach Park. Nearly 20 dedicated volunteers, including local residents, removed over 1400 lbs of litter, trash and debris from the Park, making a noticeable difference. During the morning cleanup volunteers removed plastic and glass bottles, tires, rubber foam, a dagger, and so many other items that do not belong on the shoreline.

“I am so appreciative of the volunteers who came to make our park and shorelines safe and clean. While these cleanups are vital, we must step up our game to teach people you cannot use Hamilton Beach Park, or any park, as a dumping ground,” Assemblywoman Pheffer Amato said. The Assemblywoman has spearheaded a Federal Parks Task Force for the betterment of the community – with new cameras being installed in the coming months to improve security and help law enforcement.

“Working together with the Jamaica Bay-Rockaway Parks Conservancy and National Parks Service, members of the New Hamilton Beach Civic Association and Assemblymember Stacey Pheffer Amato, who with her staff, joined in the cleanup, our dedicated volunteers removed harmful debris, enhancing the environment for the community. This event not only cleansed our shores but also strengthened the bonds of our community, proving that when we come together, we can make a significant impact,” said New Hamilton Beach Civic Association President Roger Gendron.

The Jamaica Bay-Rockaway Park Conservancy is known for their dedicated efforts to help the environment, especially in Jamaica Bay. Their work has drastically improved the South Queens area by spearheading projects that rebuild the shoreline and remove debris on the beach and parks.