Captiol News from The Assembly Minority Conference
The Assembly Minority Conference

Barclay Honors John Guralny For Heroic Action Protecting Coworkers’

Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C-Pulaski) presented a proclamation to John Guralny, a man who came face-to-face with an armed intruder at his place of employment on Jan. 4, 2024. An individual came to White’s Lumber in Pulaski carrying a pistol, threatened employees and refused to leave the property. Guralny risked his own life by disarming and subduing the intruder until law enforcement arrived. 

“I applaud the tremendous heroism of John Guralny, who may have very well saved lives on January 4, the day he was faced with an armed intruder at his place of employment. We commend him for his swift and decisive action that could have prevented a tragedy,” said Barclay. “I, along with his colleagues, his employers and the public, want to thank him for his bravery, and this proclamation is one token of our gratitude.”

“I was very fortunate that John was working when the intruder came to White’s Lumber in Pulaski. His quick thinking and bravery helped protect my staff and may have very well saved the lives of multiple people that day,” said Tim Wise, business manager of White’s Lumber. “John put his life on the line without a second thought. His selflessness and boldness are remarkable and a true inspiration. I and everyone else at White’s Lumber are forever grateful for his exemplary courage. This proclamation serves as a small token of our appreciation.”