Please give me your views on these issues.
There is space for two people to answer.

1. Should the state take over the entire cost of education and not use local property taxes, even if it means higher state income taxes?

Respondent 1 circle Yes circle No

Respondent 2 circle Yes circle No

2. If the state were to take over more funding of our schools, would you give up some local control of financial decision making?

Respondent 1 circle Yes circle No

Respondent 2 circle Yes circle No

3. Should we increase the state budget to give more money to NYC schools to satisfy the Campaign for Fiscal Equity court ruling?

Respondent 1 circle Yes circle No

Respondent 2 circle Yes circle No

4. Please comment on your answers, concerns, ideas to improve our schools:

Respondent 1

Respondent 2

Fill in name and address. Cut and fold this ENTIRE page, keeping the mail panel below facing out. Stamp and Mail back to me.

Mail Panel
