Press Releases

Brown and Mattera Announce Assembly/Senate Bill A.6310-A/S.7105 Establishing Lipa Reserve Fund for Northport-East Northport School District Passed in Both Houses

Assemblyman Keith P. Brown (R,C-Northport) and Sen. Mario R. Mattera (R,C) are proud to announce Assembly/Senate Bill A.6310-A/S.7105, which they jointly sponsored, has passed in both houses. This bill establishes the power plant tax assessment challenge...

Brown: Legislative Session is Over, But I Will Continue to Help Make New York State Safer, Smarter and Cleaner

“Throughout the Legislative Session this year, I worked tirelessly to help make New York State safer, smarter and cleaner for all Long Islanders and New Yorkers. I fought to improve public safety and tackle the opioid/fentanyl crisis head on by introducing...

Brown: Cop Killers Have Only One Place in New York State—Prison

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Assemblyman Keith P. Brown (R,C-Northport) stood alongside Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C-Pulaski), Senate Minority Leader Rob Ortt (R,C-North Tonawanda), other members of the Assembly and Senate Minority Conferences and members of the law...

Brown is Proud to Support Rural Equity Initiatives for New York Residents and Communities

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Assemblyman Keith P. Brown (R,C-Northport) attended a press conference in Albany led by Assembly Minority Conference members and members of the community to discuss rural equity in New York state and renew calls to improve it. Brown was proud to cosponsor...

Joint Press Release: Asharoken Seawall Needs Replacement to Protect Asharoken Village and Eaton’s Neck Community

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Sen. Mario R. Mattera (R,C-Smithtown), Assemblyman Keith P. Brown (R,C-Northport) Asharoken Mayor Dr. Gregory Letica and other elected officials from the area met at the Asharoken Village Hall last Friday alongside appointed officials from the federal,...

Brown: Antisemitism Will Not Be Tolerated in New York State

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Assemblyman Keith P. Brown (R,C-Northport) attended a press conference earlier today led by Assemblyman Ari Brown (R-Cedarhurst) and Sen. Bill Weber (R,C) to advocate for the “Combating Campus Anti-Semitism Act” (A.8399/S.7752). This proposal would...

Brown: Fentanyl Overdose Deaths are on The Rise in New York State

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Assemblyman Keith P. Brown (R,C-Northport) attended a bipartisan press conference yesterday led by Assemblyman Phil Steck (D-Colonie) and Sen. Peter Harckham (D,WF), other Senate and Assembly Members, including Sen. Jake Ashby (R), Assemblyman Scott Bendett...

Brown: New York State’s Donate Life Program Saves Lives

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“New York State’s Donate Life Registry is a godsend to so many struggling families out there in need of tissue and organ donation. I am proud to see this collaboration between the Assembly Minority and Majority Conferences to help raise awareness...

Brown Proudly Supports the Harris Project and Raising Awareness on the Link Between Substance Use and Mental Health Disorders

Assemblyman Keith P. Brown (R,C-Northport) is proud to support “the harris project,” a non-profit organization founded by Stephanie Marquesano, which is dedicated to the prevention and treatment of Co-Occurring Disorders in adults, teens and children...

Brown Speaks at 3rd Annual Strengthening the System of Care for Co-Occurring Disorders Long Island Conference

Assemblyman Keith P. Brown (R,C-Northport) was proud to help organize and speak at the 3rd Annual Strengthening the System of Care for Co-Occurring Disorders Long Island Conference last Thursday, April 11, 2024. This Annual Conference brings lawmakers...

Brown: New York State’s Economy is Suffering and Needs Help

“Residents and businesses on Long Island and throughout the state deserve to see immediate changes made to New York state’s economy. Our state has developed a reputation of having some of the highest taxes in the U.S., as well as a financial future...

Brown Congratulates New Board of Directors and President of the Peruvian Chamber of Commerce Alliance of Long Island

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Assemblyman Keith P. Brown (R,C-Northport) was proud to present several citations to the new board of directors and a proclamation to the new president of the Peruvian Chamber of Commerce Alliance of Long Island at its 2024 Oath Ceremony on Wednesday,...

Brown Helps Organize 3rd Annual Strengthening the System of Care for Co-Occurring Disorders Long Island Conference

Editor’s Note: To register as a sponsor for this event, please use the link on the flyer. The flyer can be found here. Assemblyman Keith P. Brown (R,C-Northport) helped organize the 3rd Annual Strengthening the System of Care for Co-Occurring Disorders...

Brown: No More Delays—Our State Budget Needs to be Passed Now

“Just this past Thursday, April 4, 2024, a second emergency budget extender was passed, yet here we are back in session just three days later passing a third. New Yorkers will not tolerate a repeat of last year’s extreme delay in state budget proceedings—residents,...

Brown: New York City Police Officer Jonathan Diller’s Death Could Have Been Prevented

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My thoughts go out to the family of New York City Police Officer Jonathan Diller who was tragically shot to death during a routine traffic stop in Queens last week. Some individuals, including New York City Mayor Eric Adams, are quick to blame recidivism...

Brown Stands With New York State’s Legal Cannabis Industry and Supports Assembly Bill A.9520

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“While selling cannabis products is legal in New York state and has been for some time now, businesses and sellers still need to follow all regulations associated with our state’s cannabis law. Selling cannabis products to the public is not a right,...

Brown Supports Call to Bring Hamas’ Hostages Home

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“It is terrible to see the families of the 134 hostages being held in Gaza continue to suffer. The hostages have been held for 179 days now, and of the 134 hostages, two of them are New Yorkers—Omer Neutra and Edan Alexander. Until we see their immediate...

Brown: Covid-19 Claimed 80,000 New York Lives Since 2020—This Death Toll is Not to be Taken Lightly

“I am very proud Congressman Molinaro and my colleagues from both the Assembly and Senate Minority Conferences have come together to call for an independent COVID-19 study to be done. Families and individuals throughout our state were impacted in some...

Brown Attends Joint Budget Conference Committee Meeting to Address Concerns Over Much-Needed Funding for New York’s Environment, Agriculture and Housing

“If we enact the governor’s Executive Budget, state spending will have increased by $60 billion in the past five years—a 35% jump. Further, if we enact the Assembly or Senate One-House Budget proposals, state spending will have increased by $73...

Brown: Child Care is Unaffordable and Inaccessible in New York State—This Needs to Change

Assemblyman Keith P. Brown (R,C-Northport) is proud to support his Assembly Minority Conference colleagues including Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C-Pulaski), Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square), Assemblyman Matt Slater (R,C-Yorktown), Assemblyman...