Press Releases

Assemblyman Burke’s Legislation to Improve the New York State Teachers’ Retirement System Has Passed the New York State Assembly

Today, Assemblyman Patrick Burke (D-Buffalo) announced that his legislation to allow retirees of the New York State Teachers' Retirement System (NYSTRS) the option of a benefit recalculation after two years instead of five years when coming out of retirement...

NYS Assemblyman Patrick Burke Introduces Great Lakes Bill of Rights

Buffalo, NY – New York State Assemblyman Patrick Burke has introduced legislation that will create a Great Lakes Bill of Rights with the goal of securing legal rights for the entire ecosystem and giving people and nature a role in the decision-making...

Stadium Deal Needs Community Benefits Agreement

With another Bills season now in the rearview mirror, the focus in the coming weeks and months will completely shift from wins and losses to the ongoing stadium negotiations between the Pegulas, Erie County and New York State. As I’ve mentioned in previous...

Commuter Rail to Southtowns Should Accompany New Stadium Plan

The worst-kept secret in sports economics is that constructing shiny multibillion-dollar stadiums rarely delivers significant impact to the economy of the surrounding community. A recent story from the Investigative Post explained that building a new...

Assemblyman Burke’s Bill Would Ensure Buffalo Bills Stadium Discussions are Open, Transparent

Assemblyman Pat Burke (D-Buffalo) announced that he introduced legislation requiring the advisory committee tasked with determining potential sites for a new Buffalo Bills stadium to follow the state’s open meetings law (A.8261). “Western New Yorkers...

Assemblyman Burke’s Letter to Department of Health Commissioner Howard Zucker

Assemblyman Burke Passes Legislation to Prevent Infectious Disease Outbreaks at Nursing Homes

The legislation passed yesterday (A.6057-A) will create an audit checklist that evaluates the competency of nursing homes in relation to infection control, personal protective equipment (PPE), staffing, clinical care and communication. “When an individual...

Assemblyman Burke: Skyway Demolition was Ill Conceived; Real Transformation is Restoring Humboldt Parkway and Rebuilding Buffalo’s Long-Lost Electrified Streetcar System

“I was thrilled to see that the organizing efforts of my team and the hard work of the Skyway Club paid off today with the news that the parties leading the charge to tear down the Skyway are backing away from the issue for the time being. I have long...

Assemblyman Burke Passes Legislation Aiming to Eliminate Single-Use Plastics on College Campuses

Assemblyman Pat Burke (D-Buffalo) announced that a bill he sponsored to encourage the elimination of single-use plastics on SUNY and CUNY campuses has passed the Assembly (A.7564). The bill would require the boards of trustees for SUNY and CUNY schools...

Assemblyman Burke Secures Funding for Western New York Domestic Violence Programs

Assemblyman Patrick Burke (D-Buffalo) announced that he helped secure $50,000 in funding for the University at Buffalo School of Law – Family Violence & Women’s Rights (FVWR) Clinic and $100,000 for the Family Justice Center of Erie County in the...

Assemblyman Burke Passes Safe Staffing Legislation to Better Protect Western NY Nurses and Patients

Assemblyman Patrick Burke (D-Buffalo) announced that he passed legislation to improve nurse staffing levels in New York State health care facilities and increase accountability and transparency at hospitals, a cause he’s been fighting for since entering...

Assemblyman Burke: Assembly Budget Proposal Makes Environmental Protection a Priority in SFY 2021-22 Budget

“Today, I voted for a proposal that includes an increase of $100 million in funding over the proposed executive budget for a total of $400 million for the New York State Environmental Protection Fund (EPF). While this is just one step of the process...

Assemblyman Burke Voted to Revoke Governor’s Emergency Powers

“Today, I voted to immediately revoke the emergency powers that were granted to the governor last year and prohibit him from issuing any new directives. It is time for the legislature to take its power back and restore checks and balances of state government....

Assemblyman Burke: Prioritize Public Transit Over Misguided Skyway Teardown

In 2019, New York State completed a $29 million rehabilitation of the Skyway.[1] Motorists who dealt with congestion on their commute and residents who dealt with congestion in their neighborhoods were relieved construction was finally over. In 2007,...

Assemblyman Burke Co-Sponsors Legislation to Continue Aiding Small Businesses and the Unemployed

Assemblyman Pat Burke (D-Buffalo) announced that he co-sponsored and helped pass a legislative package to support workers and small-businesses owners who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.  “Small businesses and workers across Western New...

Assemblyman Burke Named Secretary of the Assembly Majority Conference

“As your representative in Albany, my priority is making sure that people’s needs are met. As we swiftly move into the 2021 legislative session, I plan to focus on several pertinent issues, including reducing the cost of childcare, securing access...

Donate Life

Donate Life Icon
More than 10,000 New Yorkers are on waiting lists as the need for organ donations far exceeds the supply. One person who donates organs (hearts, lungs, liver, kidneys, pancreas and intestines) can save up to eight lives, while a tissue donor (corneas,...

It’s Time to Talk About the Other Green Economy

Marijuana legalization is a proposal that has been on the table in New York for years, but this year, more than ever, it seems to be both practical and inevitable, with 68% of Americans expressing their support in a recent Gallup poll. As the Assembly...

Time to Tackle Bread and Butter Issues

First, I would like to thank the voters of the 142nd District for trusting me to represent you for another term in the New York State Assembly. Times have been difficult, but I know better days are ahead if we work together and focus on the issues that...

Assemblyman Burke: Continuing to Support New Yorkers Throughout COVID-19 Pandemic

This year has presented a whole slew of unprecedented challenges that hit our communities hard and took a significant toll on our families. The COVID-19 pandemic has claimed the lives of over 30,000 New Yorkers and sickened many more, and left millions...