A00667 Summary:

SPONSORRosenthal (MS)
COSPNSRDinowitz, Stern, Gonzalez-Rojas, Epstein, Davila, Kelles, Shimsky
MLTSPNSRLevenberg, Simon
Amd §§11-1101, 11-1901 & 11-1903, En Con L
Prohibits the use of leg-gripping traps.
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A00667 Actions:

01/08/2025referred to environmental conservation
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A00667 Committee Votes:

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A00667 Floor Votes:

There are no votes for this bill in this legislative session.
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A00667 Memo:

submitted in accordance with Assembly Rule III, Sec 1(f)
SPONSOR: Rosenthal (MS)
  TITLE OF BILL: An act to amend the environmental conservation law, in relation to prohibiting the use of leg-gripping traps   PURPOSE: To prohibit the use of wildlife leg-gripping traps.   SUMMARY OF SPECIFIC PROVISIONS: Section one amends subdivisions 5 and 6 of 11-1101 of the environmental conservation law. Section two amends subdivision 7 of section 11-1901 of the environmental conservation law. Section three amends subdivision 9 of section 11-1903 of the environmental conservation law. Section four sets forth the effective date.   JUSTIFICATION: Wildlife trapping is an activity licensed by the New York State Depart- ment of Environmental Conservation. The state license allows individuals to trap furbearing animals, such as beavers, raccoons, foxes and coyotes to produce fur products. Despite the availability of more humane alter- natives, such as box or cage traps, many trappers still use steel leg- gripping traps, also known as foothold traps. These traps are triggered by springs once an animal steps onto the trap, quickly clamping onto their limb and holding them in place until they are discovered by the trapper. In some regions of New York State, it may be up to 48 hours before a trapper checks on a trap. Animals caught in leg-gripping traps are immobilized, and therefore are unable to move, eat or drink, care for their young or defend themselves from predators. In some cases, animals have even been discovered chewing off their trapped limb in order to escape. The American Veterinary Medical Association is opposed to their use.   LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: 2023-24: A.110 - Referred to Environmental Conservation; S.1619 - Referred to Environmental Conservation 2021-22: A.3467 - Referred to Environmental Conservation; S.4459 - Referred to Environmental Conservation 2019-20: A.8733 - Referred to Environmental Conservation   FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Undetermined.   EFFECTIVE DATE: This act shall take effect in 30 days.
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A00667 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                     January 8, 2025
        Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  ROSENTHAL,  DINOWITZ, STERN, GONZALEZ-ROJAS,
          EPSTEIN, DAVILA, KELLES, SHIMSKY -- Multi-Sponsored by  --  M.  of  A.
          LEVENBERG,  SIMON  -- read once and referred to the Committee on Envi-
          ronmental Conservation

        AN ACT to amend the  environmental  conservation  law,  in  relation  to
          prohibiting the use of leg-gripping traps
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Subdivisions 5 and 6 of section  11-1101  of  the  environ-
     2  mental  conservation  law, subdivision 6 as amended by chapter 47 of the
     3  laws of 1975, subparagraph (b)  of  paragraph  b  of  subdivision  6  as
     4  amended  by chapter 911 of the laws of 1990, and paragraph a of subdivi-
     5  sion 6 as amended and paragraph c of such subdivision as added by  chap-
     6  ter 605 of the laws of 1991, are amended to read as follows:
     7    5.  Except  as  provided in subdivision 1 or 2 of section 11-0523 with
     8  respect to destructive and menacing wildlife, no person shall (a) set or
     9  use a trap of the leg-gripping type [having teeth in the jaws]; (b)  set
    10  a trap so that wildlife when caught is suspended; (c) use, locate or set
    11  a  snare  or  a  device consisting of a noose of any material whereby an
    12  animal may be taken.
    13    6. a. No person shall set or use a trap of the leg-gripping type  [(a)
    14  having a spread of jaws exceeding 7 1/4" measured at right angles to the
    15  axis  upon  which the jaws operate and excluding the gripping surface of
    16  each jaw, when used under water during  the  open  season  for  trapping
    17  beaver  or otter, or (b) in any other case], except as provided in title
    18  5 or in section 11-1109[, having a spread of jaws exceeding 5-3/4" as so
    19  measured].
    20    b. No person shall set or use a body gripping type trap with a  dimen-
    21  sion of more than 7-1/2 inches except:
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 667                              2
     1    (a)  when used in water during the open season for trapping beaver and
     2  otter; or
     3    (b) as further permitted by the department by regulation.
     4    The  dimension of the body gripping trap shall be ascertained when the
     5  trap is set in the extreme cocked position  and  shall  be  the  maximum
     6  distance  between  pairs of contacting body gripping surfaces except for
     7  rectangular devices which shall be the  maximum  perpendicular  distance
     8  between pairs of contacting body gripping surfaces.
     9    [c.  Traps  of the leg-gripping type having a spread of jaws exceeding
    10  4" measured as described in paragraph a of this subdivision, when set on
    11  land (excluding traps originally set in water) (a) shall be  covered  at
    12  the time the trap is set or visited; if the trap becomes uncovered after
    13  it  is set the covering shall be replaced at the time the trap is visit-
    14  ed; coverings shall include but not be limited to  soil,  sand,  leaves,
    15  needles,  other  plant  materials,  and other substances as permitted by
    16  department regulation; such substances shall completely cover  the  jaws
    17  of  the  trap,  and  (b)  shall be equipped with a pan tensioning device
    18  which shall include but not be  limited  to  a  bolt  and  nut,  notches
    19  grooved  in the pan and dog or lever, sheer pins, a spring under the pan
    20  or strip of band steel, or other devices or modifications  as  permitted
    21  by regulation of the department.]
    22    §  2.  Subdivision 7 of section 11-1901 of the environmental conserva-
    23  tion law, as amended by chapter 351 of the laws of 1975, is  amended  to
    24  read as follows:
    25    7. On the licensed premises the licensee may take any unprotected wild
    26  bird,  or  any  predatory  wildlife  except, protected birds, disturbing
    27  domestic game. Such birds or wildlife may be taken at any  time  and  in
    28  any  manner, except that no trap of the leg-gripping type[, having teeth
    29  in the jaws or having a greater spread of jaws than six  inches,]  shall
    30  be  used  for such purpose, nor shall a trap be set so that any wildlife
    31  when caught shall be suspended. Carcasses  of  such  birds  or  wildlife
    32  shall be immediately buried or cremated, except that carcasses of unpro-
    33  tected  wildlife,  and  of  protected wildlife other than birds if taken
    34  during their respective open seasons,  may  be  possessed,  transported,
    35  bought and sold to the extent permitted by section 11-0917.
    36    §  3.  Subdivision 9 of section 11-1903 of the environmental conserva-
    37  tion law, as amended by chapter 351 of the laws of 1975, is  amended  to
    38  read as follows:
    39    9.  On  the premises described in the application for the license, the
    40  licensee may take any unprotected wild birds, or any predatory  wildlife
    41  except protected birds, disturbing domestic game. Such birds or wildlife
    42  may  be  taken at any time and in any manner, except that no trap of the
    43  leg-gripping type[, having teeth in the jaws or having a greater  spread
    44  of  jaws  than  six inches,] shall be used for such purpose, nor shall a
    45  trap be set so  that  any  wildlife  when  caught  shall  be  suspended.
    46  Carcasses  of  such  birds  or  wildlife  shall be immediately buried or
    47  cremated,  except  that  carcasses  of  unprotected  wildlife,  and   of
    48  protected  wildlife  other  than  birds if taken during their respective
    49  open seasons, may be possessed, transported,  bought  and  sold  to  the
    50  extent permitted by section 11-0917.
    51    §  4.  This  act shall take effect on the thirtieth day after it shall
    52  have become a law.
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