Relates to affordable housing for persons with a disability or having attained the age of sixty-two; establishes a developmentally disabled and elderly adult accessory apartment loan program.
NEW YORK STATE ASSEMBLY MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF LEGISLATION submitted in accordance with Assembly Rule III, Sec 1(f)
SPONSOR: Santabarbara (MS)
An act to amend the private housing finance law, in relation to afforda-
ble housing for persons with disabilities and those having attained the
age of sixty-two
To establish a developmentally disabled and elderly adult accessory
apartment loan program.
This proposal would add a new paragraph (i) to subdivision 7 of section
45-b of the private housing finance law to establish this accessory
apartment loan program.
At this time, about 1 in 68 children are identified with autism spectrum
disorder (ASD) each year according to estimates from the Center for
Disease Control's Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring
(ADDM) Network. This statistic highlights a growing phenomenon as these
children become adults living with autism. This legislation seeks to
allow a more flexible approach to housing at a time when thousands of
residents with developmental disabilities are in need of placement.
Currently, autistic adults have one primary option: community-based
housing in which they share a group home. Many families are concerned
that adults with autism are not receiving an appropriate level of care
addressing their specific needs. Similarly, older adults may face many
of the same obstacles in attaining the appropriate level of care needed.
This bill would establish a developmentally disabled and elderly adult
accessory apartment loan program, allowing individuals and families to
leverage their own resources and potentially create housing at a lower
cost to the state. The program would allow owner-occupiers of single
family homes, including families of persons with disabilities, to get an
interest free, potentially deferred payment loan for up to $50K or 50%
of construction costs to add an accessory unit of up to two bedrooms,
provided a deed restriction is in place that requires a person who has a
developmental disability to reside on the property.
2015-16: A8696 - ordered to third reading rules cal.341
2017-18: A220 - referred to housing
To be determined
This act shall take effect on the one hundred twentieth day after it
shall have become a law.