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S07508 Summary:

Amd Various Laws, generally
Enacts into law major components of legislation necessary to implement the state transportation, economic development and environmental conservation budget for the 2020-2021 state fiscal year; relates to consolidated local highway assistance payments (Part A); relates to penalties for commercial vehicles on parkways and penalties for over-height vehicles (Part B); relates to the display of amber and blue lights on safety service patrol vehicles (Part C); relates to the maximum dimension of certain vehicles proceeding to and from the New York state thruway authority (Part E); relates to agreements for fiber optics (Part F); relates to penalties for unlicensed operation of ground transportation to and from airports (Part H); relates to setting the aggregate principal amount of bonds the Metropolitan transit authority, the Triborough bridge and tunnel authority and the New York city transit authority can issue (Part I); relates to the New York transit authority and the metropolitan transportation authority, in relation to extending authorization for tax increment financing for the metropolitan transportation authority (Part K); relates to permitting the secretary of state to provide special handling for all documents filed or issued by the division of corporations and to permit additional levels of such expedited service (Part R); relates to prohibiting pricing of goods and services on the basis of gender (Part S); relates to making changes to the arms of the state (Part U); relates to qualifications for appointment and employment (Part V); relates to home inspection professional licensing (Part W); authorizes utility and cable television assessments that provide funds to the department of health from cable television assessment revenues and to the department of agriculture and markets, department of environmental conservation, department of state, and the office of parks, recreation and historic preservation from utility assessment revenues (Part Y); relates to the powers and duties of the dormitory authority of the state of New York relative to the establishment of subsidiaries for certain purposes (Part CC); amends the infrastructure investment act, in relation to requiring certain contracts to comply with service-disabled veteran-owned business enterprises, negotiating prices in certain lump-sum contracts, referencing certain sections of law and providing for a date of repeal (Part DD); extends the authority of the New York state urban development corporation to administer the empire state economic development fund (Part EE); relates to the powers of the New York state urban development corporation to make loans, in relation to extending the general loan powers of the New York state urban development corporation (Part FF); relates to economic transformation program eligibility (Part GG); authorizes the New York state energy research and development authority to finance a portion of its research, development and demonstration, policy and planning, and Fuel NY program, as well as climate change related expenses of the department of environmental conservation and the department of agriculture and markets' Fuel NY program, from an assessment on gas and electric corporations (Part HH); relates to the definition of farm laborer and labor practices for farm laborers (Part II); relates to procurement procedures for school districts in relation to New York state products (Part JJ); relates to the water pollution control revolving fund and the drinking water revolving fund (Part KK); relates to student debt consultants (Part MM); relates to expanded polystyrene foam container and polystyrene loose fill packaging ban; relates to moneys collected for violations of the expanded polystyrene foam container and polystyrene loose fill packaging ban (Part PP); authorizes the creation of state debt in the amount of three billion dollars, in relation to creating the environmental bond act of 2020 "restore mother nature" for the purposes of environmental improvements that preserve, enhance, and restore New York's natural resources and reduce the impact of climate change; provides for the submission to the people of a proposition or question therefor to be voted upon at the general election to be held in November, 2020 (Part QQ); relates to the implementation of the environmental bond act of 2020 "restore mother nature" (Part RR); authorizes the county of Nassau, to permanently and temporarily convey certain easements and to temporarily alienate certain parklands (Subpart A); authorizes the village of East Rockaway, county of Nassau, to permanently and temporarily convey certain easements and to temporarily alienate certain parklands (Subpart B); authorizes the village of Rockville Centre, county of Nassau, to permanently and temporarily convey certain easements and to temporarily alienate certain parklands (Subpart C)(Part UU); relates to banning fracking (Part WW); relates to bicycles with electric assist and electric scooters (Part XX); relates to increasing certain motor vehicle transaction fees; relates to the costs of the department of motor vehicles (Part YY); relates to the acceptance of applications for accident prevention and pre-licensing internet courses; establishes the accident prevention course internet technology pilot program (Part ZZ); amends the New York Buy American Act, in relation to the report to be provided and to making such provisions permanent (Part EEE); relates to prevailing wage requirements (Part FFF); amends the New York state urban development corporation act, in relation to the corporations' authorization to provide financial and technical assistance to community development financial institutions (Part III); accelerates the growth of renewable energy facilities to meet critical state energy policy goals (Part JJJ); extends the application deadline for businesses to participate in the START-UP NY program (Part KKK); authorizes the metropolitan transportation authority to borrow money and issue negotiable notes, bonds or other obligations to offset decreases in revenue (Part LLL); relates to the central business district tolling lockbox fund (Part MMM); relates to admission to residential treatment facilities (RTF) for children and youth (Part NNN); authorizes the transfer of certain office of mental health employees to the secure treatment rehabilitation center (Part OOO); relates to the amount of time an individual may be held for emergency observation, care, and treatment in CPEP and the implementation of satellite sites; relates to comprehensive psychiatric emergency programs (Part PPP); relates to penalties relating to mental health and substance use disorder parity compliance requirements; establishes the behavioral health parity compliance fund (Part QQQ); relates to providers of service (Part RRR); relates to applied behavior analysis (Part SSS); relates to the closure or transfer of a state-operated individualized residential alternative (Part TTT); provides funding for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority 2020-2024 capital program and paratransit operating expenses (Part UUU); relates to acquisitions or transfers of property for transit projects (Part VVV); relates to decoupling from certain federal tax changes (Part WWW); relates to installment loans and obligations evidencing installment loans (Item A); relates to statutory installment bonds (Item B); relates to refunding bonds (Item C); relates to the special powers of the New York state environmental facilities corporation (Item D); extends the authority of the department of environmental conservation to manage Atlantic and shortnose sturgeon (Item E); extends the authority of the department of environmental conservation to manage Atlantic Cod (Item F); extends the authority of the department of environmental conservation to manage Atlantic herring (Item G); extends the authority of the department of environmental conservation to manage black sea bass (Item H); extends the authority of the department of environmental conservation to manage blueback herring (Item I); extends the authority of the department of environmental conservation to manage crabs (Item J); extends the authority of the department of environmental conservation to restrict the taking of fish, shellfish and crustacea in special management areas (Item K); extends the authority of the department of environmental conservation to manage of fluke-summer flounder (Item L); extends the authority of the department of environmental conservation to manage scup (Item M); extends the authority of the department of environmental conservation to manage sharks (Item N); extends the authority of the department of environmental conservation to manage squid (Item O); extends the authority of the department of environmental conservation to manage whelk and conch (Item P); extends the authority of the department of environmental conservation to manage winter flounder (Item Q); relates to commercial fishing licenses (Item R)(Subpart A); authorizes certain health care professionals licensed to practice in other jurisdictions to practice in this state in connection with an event sanctioned by the World Triathlon Corporation (Item A); authorizes the city of Middletown to enter into a contract to sell or pledge as collateral for a loan some or all of the delinquent liens held by such city to a private party or engage a private party to collect some or all of the delinquent tax liens held by it (Item B); redistributes bond volume allocations made pursuant to section 146 of the federal tax reform act of 1986, relating to allocation of the unified state bond volume ceiling, enacts the private activity bond allocation act of 2020 (Item C); relates to the upstate flood mitigation task force (Item D); authorizes a pilot residential parking permit system in the city of Albany (Item K); relates to charging a fee for admission to the New York Botanical Garden (Item L); creates the radon task force, in relation to the reporting date and effectiveness thereof (Item M); relates to defining spearguns and allowing recreational spearfishing in New York's marine and coastal waters (Item N); relates to aquatic invasive species, spread prevention, and penalties (Item O); relates to the September 11th worker protection task force act (Item P); relates to extending time limitations for certain actions (Item Q); authorizes New York city marshals to exercise the same functions, powers and duties as sheriffs with respect to the execution of money judgments (Item R); relates to limits on certain supplementary insurance (Item S); relates to the sale of municipal obligations by the county of Erie (Item T); relates to payment in lieu of taxes for property acquired for park or recreational purposes (Item U); relates to payment in lieu of taxes for property acquired for park or recreational purposes by the town of Hempstead (Item V); relates to the provision of physical therapy assistant services in public and private primary and secondary schools (Item W); relates to the membership composition of the metropolitan transportation authority board (Item X); establishes the New York telecommunications relay service center (Item Y); relates to the tax abatement and exemption for rent regulated and rent controlled property occupied by senior citizens; relates to the tax abatement and exemption for rent regulated and rent controlled property occupied by persons with disabilities (Item Z); relates to the creation of a state information technology innovation center (Item AA); creates a presumption relating to certain lung disabilities incurred by volunteer firefighters (Item BB); relates to disability due to disease or malfunction of the heart or coronary arteries (Item CC); relates to certified school psychologists and special education services and programs for preschool children with handicapping conditions (Item DD); authorizes certain health care professionals licensed to practice in other jurisdictions to practice in this state in connection with an event sanctioned by New York Road Runners (Item EE); relates to paperwork reduction (Item FF); relates to bonds and notes of the city of Yonkers (Item GG); relates to the sale of bonds and notes of the city of Buffalo (Item HH); relates to assessment and review of assessments in the county of Nassau (Item II); extends provisions of the property/casualty insurance availability act (Item JJ); relates to certain tuition waivers for police officer students of the city university of New York (Item KK); requires regulations to permit tuition waivers for certain firefighters and fire officers for CUNY (Item LL); relates to repair of damaged pesticide containers (Item MM); relates to pesticide registration time frames and fees; relates to pesticide product registration timetables and fees (Item NN); relates to temporary investments by local governments (Item OO); authorizes services for non-residents in adult homes, residences for adults and enriched housing programs Item PP); relates to the sale of bonds and notes of the city of New York, the issuance of bonds or notes with variable rates of interest, interest rate exchange agreements of the city of New York, the refunding of bonds, and the down payment for projects financed by bonds; amends the New York state financial emergency act for the city of New York, in relation to a pledge and agreement of the state; relates to interest rate exchange agreements of the city of New York and refunding bonds of such city (Item QQ); relates to certain payments to the horsemen's organization (Item RR); relates to use of electronic means for the commencement and filing of papers in certain actions and proceedings (Item SS); establishes certain water charges for hospitals and charities in New York city (Item TT); relates to the boarding of out of state inmates at local correctional facilities (Item UU); relates to the adoption of the interstate compact for juveniles by the state of New York (Item VV); grants the chief administrator of the courts the authority to allow referees to determine applications for orders of protection during the hours family court is in session (Item WW); relates to an advisory panel on employee-owned enterprises within the division of small business services; relates to establishing an advisory panel on employee-owned enterprises within the division of small business services (Item XX); establishes the underground facilities safety training account (Item YY); authorizes the hunting of big game in the county of Albany with rifles (Item ZZ); relates to liquidator's permits and temporary retail permits (Item AAA); relates to the New York state thoroughbred breeding and development fund; relates to permitted deductions from wages (Item CCC) establishes the digital currency task force (Item DDD); authorizes the city of New York to sell to abutting property owners real property owned by such city, consisting of tax lots that cannot be independently developed due to the size, shape, configuration and topography of such lots and the zoning regulations applicable thereto (Item EEE); requires certain agencies to submit regulatory agendas for publication in the state register (Item FFF); relates to the taking of sharks (Item GGG); authorizes owners of residential real property in high risk brush fire areas in the borough of Staten Island to cut and remove reeds from their property, in relation to extending the expiration and repeal date thereof for an additional year (Item HHH); creates a temporary state commission to study and investigate how to regulate artificial intelligence, robotics and automation (Item III); relates to the determination of adjusted base proportions in special assessing units which are cities (Item JJJ); extends limitations on the shift between classes of taxable property in the town of Orangetown, county of Rockland (Item KKK); extends limitations on the shift between classes of taxable property in the town of Clarkstown, county of Rockland (Item LLL); allows certain special assessing units other than cities to adjust their current base proportions, adjusted base proportions for assessment rolls, and the base proportion in approved assessing units in Nassau county (Item MMM); increases certain special accidental death benefits (Item NNN); relates to the home based primary care for the elderly demonstration project (Item OOO); relates to the residential parking system in the village of Dobbs Ferry in the county of Westchester (Item PPP); relates to the incorporation of the New York Zoological Society, in relation to extending the expiration date of free one day admission to the zoological park (Item QQQ); increases the average assessed value threshold and to eligibility for J-51 tax abatements (Item RRR); relates to fees and expenses in unemployment insurance proceedings (Item SSS); extends authorization for certain exemptions from filing requirements (Item TTT); extends the tax rate reduction under the New York state real estate transfer tax and the New York city real property transfer tax for conveyances of real property to existing real estate investment funds (Item UUU)(Subpart B); relates to the imposition of sales and compensating use taxes by the county of Albany (Item A); extends the expiration of the provisions authorizing the county of Allegany to impose an additional one and one-half percent sales and compensating use taxes (Item B); extends the authorization of the county of Broome to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes (Item C); extends the expiration of provisions authorizing the county of Cattaraugus to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use tax (Item D); extends the authorization of the county of Cayuga to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes (Item E); authorizes Chautauqua county to impose an additional one percent rate of sales and compensating use taxes (Item F); extends the authorization of the county of Chemung to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes (Item G); extends the authority of Chenango county to impose additional taxes (Item H); extends the expiration of the authorization granted to the county of Clinton to impose an additional rate of sales and compensating use tax (Item I); relates to sales and compensating use tax in Columbia county (Item J); extends the authorization for imposition of additional sales tax in the county of Cortland (Item K); extends the authorization of the county of Delaware to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes (Item L); relates to sales and compensating use tax in Dutchess county (Item M); relates to the imposition of additional rates of sales and compensating use taxes by Erie county (Item N); extends the authorization granted to the county of Essex to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes (Item O); extends the expiration of the authority granted to the county of Franklin to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes (Item P); relates to the imposition of additional sales and compensating use tax in Fulton county (Item Q); extends the expiration of the authorization to the county of Genesee to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes (Item R); extends the authorization for imposition of additional sales and compensating use taxes in Greene county (Item S); extends the authorization of the county of Hamilton to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes (Item T); extends the period during which the county of Herkimer is authorized to impose additional sales and compensating use taxes (Item U); authorizes the county of Jefferson to impose additional sales tax (Item V); authorizes the county of Lewis to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes (Item W); authorizes the county of Livingston to impose an additional one percent sales tax (Item X); extends the authorization of the county of Madison to impose an additional rate of sales and compensating use taxes (Item Y); relates to the imposition of sales and compensating use taxes by the county of Monroe (Item Z); relates to the imposition of sales and compensating use taxes in Montgomery county (Item AA); extends the authority of the county of Nassau to impose additional sales and compensating use taxes, and extending local government assistance programs in Nassau county (Item BB); relates to continuing to authorize Niagara county to impose an additional rate of sales and compensating use taxes (Item CC); authorizes Oneida county to impose additional rates of sales and compensating use taxes and providing for allocation and distribution of a portion of net collections from such additional rates (Item DD); extends the authorization of the county of Onondaga to impose an additional rate of sales and compensating use taxes (Item EE); extends the authorization for Ontario county to impose additional rates of sales and compensating use taxes (Item FF); extends the authority of the county of Orange to impose an additional rate of sales and compensating use taxes (Item GG); extends the period during which the county of Orleans is authorized to impose additional rates of sales and compensating use taxes (Item HH); extends authorization for an additional one percent sales and compensating use tax in the county of Oswego (Item II); extends the authorization for imposition of additional sales tax in the county of Otsego (Item JJ); relates to the imposition of sales and compensating use taxes in the county of Putnam (Item KK); extends the authorization of the county of Rensselaer to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes (Item LL); authorizes the county of Rockland to impose an additional rate of sales and compensating use taxes (Item MM); extends the authority of St. Lawrence county to impose sales tax (Item NN); relates to the imposition of sales and compensating use tax in Schenectady county (Item OO); extends the authorization for imposition of additional sales tax in the county of Schoharie (Item PP); extends the authorization of the county of Schuyler to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes (Item QQ); extends the expiration of the authorization to the county of Seneca to impose an additional one percent sales and compensating use tax (Item RR); extends the authorization of the county of Steuben to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes (Item SS); extends the authority of the county of Suffolk to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use tax (Item TT); extends authorization to impose certain taxes in the county of Sullivan (Item UU); extends the authorization of the county of Tioga to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes (Item VV); extends the authorization of the county of Tompkins to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes (Item WW); extends the authority of the county of Ulster to impose an additional 1 percent sales and compensating use tax (Item XX); extends the additional one percent sales tax for Wayne county (Item YY); extends the expiration of the authorization to the county of Wyoming to impose an additional one percent sales and compensating use tax (Item ZZ); extends the authorization of the county of Yates to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes (Item AAA); extends the authorization of the city of Oswego to impose an additional tax rate of sales and compensating use taxes (Item BBB); authorizes the city of Yonkers to impose additional sales tax (Item CCC); extends the authorization of the city of New Rochelle to impose an additional sales and compensating use tax (Item DDD); revises the period of authorization for the county of Westchester's additional one percent rate of sales and compensating use tax and the expiration of the Westchester county spending limitation act; relates to the method of disposition of sales and compensating use tax revenue in Westchester county and enacting the Westchester county spending limitation act, in relation to revising the period of authorization for the county of Westchester's additional one percent rate of sales; authorizes the county of Westchester to impose an additional rate of sales and compensating use tax, in relation to extending the authorization for the county of Westchester impose an additional tax rate of sales and compensating use taxes (Item EEE)(Subpart C); extends the authority of the county of Nassau to impose hotel and motel taxes in Nassau county; relates to hotel and motel taxes in Nassau county and a surcharge on tickets to places of entertainment in such county (Item A); increases hotel/motel taxes in Chautauqua county (Item B); extends the expiration of the authority granted to the county of Suffolk to impose hotel and motel taxes (Item C); relates to enabling the county of Albany to impose and collect taxes on occupancy of hotel or motel rooms in Albany county relating to revenues received from the collection of hotel or motel occupancy taxes (Item D) (Subpart D); authorizes the county of Schoharie to impose a county recording tax on obligation secured by a mortgage on real property (Item A); authorizes the county of Hamilton to impose a county recording tax on obligations secured by mortgages on real property (Item B); relates to the mortgage recording tax in the county of Fulton (Item C); extends the expiration of the mortgage recording tax imposed by the city of Yonkers (Item D); authorizes the county of Cortland to impose an additional mortgage recording tax (Item E); authorizes the county of Genesee to impose a county recording tax on obligation secured by a mortgage on real property (Item F); authorizes the county of Yates to impose a county recording tax on obligations secured by a mortgage on real property (Item G); relates to the mortgage recording tax in the county of Steuben (Item H); authorizes the county of Albany to impose a county recording tax on obligations secured by a mortgage on real property (Item I); authorizes the county of Greene to impose an additional mortgage recording tax (Item L); authorizes the county of Warren to impose an additional mortgage recording tax (Item M); authorizes the county of Herkimer to impose a county recording tax on obligation secured by a mortgage on real property (Item N)(Subpart E); imposes an additional real estate transfer tax within the county of Columbia (Subpart F); relates to the imposition of certain taxes in the city of New York, in relation to postponing the expiration of certain tax rates and taxes in the city of New York (Subpart G); relates to exemptions from sales and use taxes, in relation to extending certain provisions thereof; extends certain provisions relating to specially eligible premises and special rebates; extends certain provisions relating to exemptions and deductions from base rent; extends certain provisions relating to eligibility periods and requirements; extends certain provisions relating to eligibility periods and requirements, benefit periods and applications for abatements; extends certain provisions relating to a special reduction in determining the taxable base rent (Item A); extends the expiration of the solar electric generating system and the electric energy storage equipment tax abatement (Item B); authorizes reimbursements for expenditures made by or on behalf of social services districts for medical assistance for needy persons and administration thereof (Item C); repeals certain provisions of the state finance law relating to the motorcycle safety fund (Item D); relates to catastrophic or reinsurance coverage issued to certain small groups, relates to catastrophic or reinsurance coverage issued to certain small groups (Item E)(Subpart H)(Part XXX); relates to the disclosure of certain records by the commissioner of motor vehicles (Part YYY); relates to public financing for state office; establishes the New York state campaign finance fund; establishes the NYS campaign finance fund check-off (Part ZZZ)
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S07508 Actions:

02/22/2020PRINT NUMBER 7508A
04/01/2020PRINT NUMBER 7508B
04/01/2020referred to ways and means
04/02/2020substituted for a9508b
04/02/2020ordered to third reading rules cal.21
04/02/2020message of necessity - 3 day message
04/02/2020passed assembly
04/02/2020returned to senate
04/03/2020SIGNED CHAP.58
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