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S09689 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                    IN SENATE
                                      May 21, 2024
        Introduced  by  Sen. SANDERS -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Banks
        AN ACT to amend the banking law, in relation to the regulation  of  buy-
          now-pay-later lenders
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. The banking law is amended by adding a new article 14-B  to
     2  read as follows:
     3                                ARTICLE XIV-B
     4                          BUY-NOW-PAY-LATER LENDERS
     5  Section 735. Short title.
     6          736. Definitions.
     7          737. License.
     8          738. Conditions  precedent to issuing a license; procedure where
     9                 application is denied.
    10          739. License provisions and posting.
    11          740. Application for acquisition of control of buy-now-pay-later
    12                 lender by purchase of stock.
    13          741. Grounds for revocation or suspension of license; procedure.
    14          742. Superintendent authorized to examine.
    15          743. Licensee's books and records; reports.
    16          744. Acts prohibited.
    17          745. Limitation on charges on buy-now-pay-later loans.
    18          746. Consumer protections.
    19          747. Authority of superintendent.
    20          748. Penalties.
    21          749. Severability.
    22    § 735. Short title. This article shall be known and may  be  cited  as
    23  the "Buy Now Pay Later act".
    24    § 736. Definitions. As used in this article, the following terms shall
    25  have the following meanings:
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 9689                             2
     1    1.  "Consumer"  means  an individual who is a resident of the state of
     2  New York.
     3    2. "Buy-now-pay-later loan" means credit provided to a consumer at the
     4  time  of purchase in connection with such consumer's particular purchase
     5  of goods or services, other  than  a  motor  vehicle  as  defined  under
     6  section  one  hundred  twenty-five  of the vehicle and traffic law, that
     7  requires repayment of the principal in a fixed number  of  substantially
     8  equal installments with no interest.
     9    3.  "Buy-now-pay-later  lender" means a person who offers buy-now-pay-
    10  later loans in this state.  For  purposes  of  the  preceding  sentence,
    11  "offer" means offering to extend credit through a buy-now-pay-later loan
    12  directly  to a consumer at the time of purchase or operating a platform,
    13  software, or to operate a system with which a consumer interacts and the
    14  primary purpose of which is to allow third parties to offer buy-now-pay-
    15  later loans, or both. A person who sells goods or services to a consumer
    16  and extends credit to such consumer in connection with  such  consumer's
    17  particular  purchase of such goods or services shall not be considered a
    18  buy-now-pay-later lender with respect to  such  transactions.  A  person
    19  shall  not  be  considered  a  buy-now-pay-later  lender on the basis of
    20  isolated, incidental or occasional transactions which otherwise meet the
    21  definitions of this section.
    22    4. "Exempt organization" means any  banking  organization  or  foreign
    23  banking corporation licensed by the superintendent or the comptroller of
    24  the  currency to transact business in this state, national bank, federal
    25  savings bank, federal savings and loan association,  or  federal  credit
    26  union  organized  under  the  laws of any other state.   Subject to such
    27  regulations as may be promulgated by the superintendent, "exempt  organ-
    28  ization" may also include any subsidiary of such entities.
    29    5. "Licensee" means a person who has been issued a license pursuant to
    30  this article.
    31    6. "Person" means an individual, partnership, corporation, association
    32  or any other business organization.
    33    § 737. License.  1. No person or other entity, except an exempt organ-
    34  ization as defined in this article, shall  engage  in  the  business  of
    35  making buy-now-pay-later loans without first obtaining a buy-now-pay-la-
    36  ter lender license from the superintendent.
    37    2.  An  application for a license shall be in writing, under oath, and
    38  in the form and containing such information as  the  superintendent  may
    39  require.
    40    3.  At  the time of filing an application for a license, the applicant
    41  shall pay to the superintendent a fee as prescribed pursuant to  section
    42  eighteen-a of this chapter.
    43    4.  A  license  granted pursuant to this article shall be valid unless
    44  revoked or suspended by the superintendent or unless surrendered by  the
    45  licensee and accepted by the superintendent.
    46    5.  In  connection  with  an  application for a license, the applicant
    47  shall submit an affidavit of  financial  solvency,  including  financial
    48  statements,  noting  such capitalization requirements and access to such
    49  credit or such other affirmation or information as may be prescribed  by
    50  the regulations of the superintendent.
    51    § 738. Conditions  precedent  to  issuing  a  license; procedure where
    52  application is denied. 1. After the  filing  of  an  application  for  a
    53  license  accompanied by payment of the fee pursuant to subdivision three
    54  of section seven hundred thirty-seven  of  this  article,  it  shall  be
    55  substantively  reviewed.  After the application is deemed sufficient and
    56  complete, if the superintendent finds that the financial responsibility,

        S. 9689                             3
     1  including meeting any capital requirements as  established  pursuant  to
     2  subdivision  three  of  this  section, experience, character and general
     3  fitness of the applicant or any person associated with the applicant are
     4  such  as  to  command the confidence of the community and to warrant the
     5  belief that the business will be conducted honestly,  fairly  and  effi-
     6  ciently  within the purposes and intent of this article, the superinten-
     7  dent shall issue the license. For the purpose of this  subdivision,  the
     8  applicant shall be deemed to include all the members of the applicant if
     9  it  is  a partnership or unincorporated association or organization, and
    10  all the stockholders, officers and directors of the applicant if it is a
    11  corporation.
    12    2. If the superintendent refuses to issue a license,  the  superinten-
    13  dent  shall  notify  the applicant of the denial and retain the fee paid
    14  pursuant to subdivision three of section seven hundred  thirty-seven  of
    15  this article.
    16    3.  The  superintendent may issue regulations setting capital require-
    17  ments to ensure the solvency and financial integrity  of  licensees  and
    18  their ongoing operations, taking into account the risks, volume of busi-
    19  ness,  complexity,  and other relevant factors regarding such licensees.
    20  Further, the superintendent may issue rules and regulations  prescribing
    21  a  methodology  to calculate capital requirements with respect to licen-
    22  sees or categories thereof.
    23    § 739. License provisions and posting. 1. A license issued under  this
    24  article  shall  state  the  name and address of the licensee, and if the
    25  licensee be a co-partnership or association, the names  of  the  members
    26  thereof, and if a corporation the date and place of its incorporation.
    27    2.  Such  license  shall  be  kept  conspicuously posted on the mobile
    28  application, website, or other consumer interface of  the  licensee,  as
    29  well as listed in the terms and conditions of any buy-now-pay-later loan
    30  offered  or entered into by the licensee. The superintendent may provide
    31  by regulation an alternative form of notice of licensure.
    32    3. A license issued under this article shall not  be  transferable  or
    33  assignable.
    34    § 740. Application  for  acquisition  of  control of buy-now-pay-later
    35  lender by purchase of stock. 1. It shall be  unlawful  except  with  the
    36  prior  approval  of  the superintendent for any action to be taken which
    37  results in a change of control of the business of a licensee.  Prior  to
    38  any  change  of control, the person desirous of acquiring control of the
    39  business of a licensee shall make written application to the superinten-
    40  dent and pay an investigation fee  as  prescribed  pursuant  to  section
    41  eighteen-a  of this chapter to the superintendent. The application shall
    42  contain such information  as  the  superintendent,  by  regulation,  may
    43  prescribe  as  necessary  or  appropriate  for the purpose of making the
    44  determination required by subdivision two of this section.
    45    2. The superintendent shall approve or disapprove the proposed  change
    46  of  control  of  a licensee in accordance with the provisions of section
    47  seven hundred thirty-eight of this article.
    48    3. For a period of six months from the date of  qualification  thereof
    49  and  for  such  additional  period  of  time  as  the superintendent may
    50  prescribe, in writing, the provisions of subdivisions  one  and  two  of
    51  this  section  shall  not apply to a transfer of control by operation of
    52  law to the legal representative, as hereinafter defined, of one who  has
    53  control  of  a  licensee.  Thereafter,  such  legal representative shall
    54  comply with the provisions of subdivisions one and two of this  section.
    55  The  provisions  of  subdivisions  one  and two of this section shall be

        S. 9689                             4
     1  applicable to an application made under such section by a  legal  repre-
     2  sentative.
     3    4.  The term "legal representative," for the purposes of this section,
     4  shall mean one duly appointed by a court of  competent  jurisdiction  to
     5  act  as  executor,  administrator,  trustee,  committee,  conservator or
     6  receiver, including one who succeeds  a  legal  representative  and  one
     7  acting   in  an  ancillary  capacity  thereto  in  accordance  with  the
     8  provisions of such court appointment.
     9    5. As used in this section, the term "control" means  the  possession,
    10  directly or indirectly, of the power to direct or cause the direction of
    11  the management and policies of a licensee, whether through the ownership
    12  of  voting  stock of such licensee, the ownership of voting stock of any
    13  person which  possesses  such  power  or  otherwise.  Control  shall  be
    14  presumed  to exist if any person, directly or indirectly, owns, controls
    15  or holds with power to vote ten per centum or more of the  voting  stock
    16  of  any  licensee  or  of  any person which owns, controls or holds with
    17  power to vote ten per centum or more of the voting stock of  any  licen-
    18  see,  but  no  person  shall  be  deemed to control a licensee solely by
    19  reason of being an officer or director of such licensee or  person.  The
    20  superintendent may in the superintendent's discretion, upon the applica-
    21  tion  of  a  licensee  or  any person who, directly or indirectly, owns,
    22  controls or holds with power to vote or seeks to own,  control  or  hold
    23  with  power to vote any voting stock of such licensee, determine whether
    24  or not the ownership, control or holding of such  voting  stock  consti-
    25  tutes  or would constitute control of such licensee for purposes of this
    26  section.
    27    § 741. Grounds for revocation or suspension of license; procedure.  1.
    28  A  license  granted pursuant to this section may be revoked or suspended
    29  by the superintendent upon a finding that:
    30    (a) The licensee has violated any applicable law or regulation;
    31    (b) Any fact or condition exists which, if it had existed at the  time
    32  of  the  original  application  for  such  license,  clearly  would have
    33  warranted the superintendent's refusal to issue such license; or
    34    (c) The licensee has failed to pay any sum of money lawfully  demanded
    35  by  the  superintendent or to comply with any demand, ruling or require-
    36  ment of the superintendent.
    37    2. Any licensee may surrender any license by delivering to the  super-
    38  intendent  written  notice  that  the  licensee  thereby surrenders such
    39  license. Such surrender shall be effective upon its  acceptance  by  the
    40  superintendent,  and  shall not affect such licensee's civil or criminal
    41  liability for acts committed prior to such surrender.
    42    3. Every license issued hereunder shall remain  in  force  and  effect
    43  until  the  same  shall  have been surrendered, revoked or suspended, in
    44  accordance with the provisions of this article, but  the  superintendent
    45  shall  have  authority to reinstate suspended licenses or to issue a new
    46  license to a licensee whose license has  been  revoked  if  no  fact  or
    47  condition then exists which clearly would have warranted the superinten-
    48  dent's refusal to issue such license.
    49    4.  Whenever  the  superintendent  shall  revoke  or suspend a license
    50  issued pursuant to this  article,  the  superintendent  shall  forthwith
    51  execute  a  written order to that effect, which order may be reviewed in
    52  the manner provided by article seventy-eight of the civil  practice  law
    53  and  rules.    Such  special proceeding for review as authorized by this
    54  section must be commenced within thirty days from the date of such order
    55  of suspension or revocation.

        S. 9689                             5
     1    5. The superintendent may, for good cause, without notice and a  hear-
     2  ing,  suspend  any  license issued pursuant to this article for a period
     3  not exceeding thirty days, pending investigation. "Good cause," as  used
     4  in  this  subdivision, shall exist only when the licensee has engaged in
     5  or  is  likely to engage in a practice prohibited by this article or the
     6  regulations promulgated thereunder or engages in dishonest or  inequita-
     7  ble practices which may cause substantial harm to the public.
     8    6.  No revocation, suspension or surrender of any license shall impair
     9  or affect the obligation of any pre-existing  lawful  contracts  between
    10  the licensee and any borrower.
    11    § 742. Superintendent  authorized  to  examine.  1. The superintendent
    12  shall have the power to make such investigations as  the  superintendent
    13  shall  deem  necessary to determine whether any buy-now-pay-later lender
    14  or any other person has violated any of the provisions of  this  article
    15  or  any  other  applicable  law,  or  whether any licensee has conducted
    16  itself in such manner as would justify the revocation  of  its  license,
    17  and to the extent necessary therefor, the superintendent may require the
    18  attendance  of  and  examine  any  person under oath, and shall have the
    19  power to compel the production of all relevant books, records, accounts,
    20  and documents.
    21    2. The superintendent shall have the power to make  such  examinations
    22  of  the  books,  records, accounts and documents used in the business of
    23  any licensee as the superintendent shall  deem  necessary  to  determine
    24  whether  any  such  licensee  has violated any of the provisions of this
    25  chapter or any other applicable law or to  secure  information  lawfully
    26  required by the superintendent.
    27    § 743. Licensee's  books  and records; reports. 1. A buy-now-pay-later
    28  lender shall keep and use in  its  business  such  books,  accounts  and
    29  records  as  will  enable  the  superintendent to determine whether such
    30  buy-now-pay-later lender is complying with the provisions of this  arti-
    31  cle  and with the rules and regulations lawfully made by the superinten-
    32  dent hereunder.  Every  buy-now-pay-later  lender  shall  preserve  such
    33  books,  accounts  and  records  for  at least six years after making the
    34  final entry in respect to any buy-now-pay-later loan  recorded  therein;
    35  provided,  however,  the preservation of photographic or digital reprod-
    36  uctions thereof or records in photographic or digital form shall consti-
    37  tute compliance with this requirement.
    38    2. By a date to be set by  the  superintendent,  each  licensee  shall
    39  annually  file  a report with the superintendent giving such information
    40  as the superintendent may require concerning the licensee's business and
    41  operations during the preceding calendar year within the state under the
    42  authority of this article. Such report shall be subscribed and  affirmed
    43  as  true  by  the  licensee under the penalties of perjury and be in the
    44  form prescribed by  the  superintendent.  In  addition  to  such  annual
    45  reports,  the  superintendent  may  require of licensees such additional
    46  regular or special reports as the superintendent may deem  necessary  to
    47  the  proper supervision of licensees under this article. Such additional
    48  reports shall be in the form prescribed by the superintendent and  shall
    49  be subscribed and affirmed as true under the penalties of perjury.
    50    § 744. Acts  prohibited.  1. No buy-now-pay-later lender shall take or
    51  cause to be taken any confession of judgment or any power of attorney to
    52  confess judgment or to appear for the consumer in a judicial proceeding.
    53    2. No buy-now-pay-later lender shall:
    54    (a) Employ any scheme, device, or artifice to  defraud  or  mislead  a
    55  borrower;

        S. 9689                             6
     1    (b)  Engage  in  any  unfair,  deceptive  or predatory act or practice
     2  toward any person or misrepresent or omit any  material  information  in
     3  connection  with the buy-now-pay-later loans, including, but not limited
     4  to, misrepresenting the amount, nature or terms of any  fee  or  payment
     5  due  or  claimed  to be due on the loan, the terms and conditions of the
     6  loan agreement or the borrower's obligations under the loan;
     7    (c) Misapply payments to the outstanding balance of  any  buy-now-pay-
     8  later loan or to any related fees;
     9    (d) Provide inaccurate information to a consumer reporting agency; or
    10    (e)  Make  any false statement or make any omission of a material fact
    11  in connection with any information or reports filed with a  governmental
    12  agency  or  in connection with any investigation conducted by the super-
    13  intendent or another governmental agency.
    14    § 745. Limitation on charges on buy-now-pay-later loans.  1.  Notwith-
    15  standing  any other provision of law to the contrary, no buy-now-pay-la-
    16  ter lender shall charge, contract  for,  or  otherwise  receive  from  a
    17  consumer  any  interest,  penalty, late fee, discount or other consider-
    18  ation in connection to a buy-now-pay-later  loan,  whether  directly  or
    19  indirectly, except as provided in this section.
    20    2.  The superintendent shall establish a standard amount or percentage
    21  for total maximum charge or fee in connection with late payment, default
    22  or any other violation of the buy-now-pay-later loan  agreement  that  a
    23  buy-now-pay-later lender can charge a consumer. Such fee or charge shall
    24  not be collected more than once for the same violation.
    25    3.  Any  transaction  fee charged to the consumer by or on behalf of a
    26  buy-now-pay-later lender shall be limited to reasonable and actual costs
    27  of processing and executing the transaction.
    28    § 746. Consumer protections. 1. Disclosures. A buy-now-pay-later lend-
    29  er shall disclose or cause to be disclosed to  consumers  the  terms  of
    30  buy-now-pay-later loans, including the cost, repayment schedule, whether
    31  the transaction will or will not be reported to a credit reporting agen-
    32  cy,  and  other  material conditions, in a clear and conspicuous manner.
    33  Disclosures shall comply with applicable federal regulations,  including
    34  but  not  limited  to  regulation  Z  of  title I of the Consumer Credit
    35  Protection Act.
    36    2. Ability to repay. Subject to regulations to be promulgated  by  the
    37  superintendent,  a  buy-now-pay-later  lender shall, before providing or
    38  causing to be provided a buy-now-pay-later loan to a consumer, make,  or
    39  cause  to be made, a reasonable determination that such consumer has the
    40  ability to repay the buy-now-pay-later loan.
    41    3. Credit reporting.  A buy-now-pay-later lender shall not report  any
    42  consumer  data  obtained  through a buy-now-pay-later loan to any credit
    43  reporting agency except as authorized in regulations promulgated by  the
    44  superintendent and in the form and manner prescribed therein. The super-
    45  intendent, in consultation with the director of the division of consumer
    46  protection, shall establish provisions regarding the use of such data by
    47  the  credit  reporting  agencies.  No  licensee shall collect, evaluate,
    48  report, or maintain in the file on a  borrower  the  credit  worthiness,
    49  credit  standing, or credit capacity of members of the borrower's social
    50  network for purposes of determining the credit worthiness of the borrow-
    51  er; the average credit worthiness, credit standing, or  credit  capacity
    52  of  members of the borrower's social network; or any group score that is
    53  not the borrower's own credit worthiness,  credit  standing,  or  credit
    54  capacity.
    55    4.  Refunds  and  credits. A buy-now-pay-later lender shall provide or
    56  cause to be provided refunds or credits for goods or services  purchased

        S. 9689                             7
     1  in  connection  with a buy-now-pay-later loan, upon consumer request, as
     2  necessary. A buy-now-pay-later lender shall  maintain  or  cause  to  be
     3  maintained  policies  and procedures to provide such refunds or credits.
     4  Such  policies and procedures shall be fair, transparent, and not unduly
     5  burdensome to the consumer.  A buy-now-pay-later lender  shall  disclose
     6  or  cause to be disclosed, in a clear and conspicuous manner, such poli-
     7  cies and procedures.
     8    5. Consumer disputes. A  buy-now-pay-later  lender  shall  resolve  or
     9  cause  to  be resolved disputes in a manner that is fair and transparent
    10  to consumers. A buy-now-pay-later lender shall create  or  cause  to  be
    11  created a readily available and prominently disclosed method for consum-
    12  ers  to  bring a dispute to the buy-now-pay-later lender. A buy-now-pay-
    13  later lender shall maintain policies and procedures for handling consum-
    14  er disputes.
    15    6. Use of consumer data. A buy-now-pay-later lender shall clearly  and
    16  conspicuously  disclose  or cause to be disclosed to a consumer to which
    17  it provides a loan how such consumer's data may be used, shared or  sold
    18  by  the  buy-now-pay-later lender.   In addition to any other consent or
    19  privacy requirements in law, the buy-now-pay-later lender shall  provide
    20  the  consumer  the  opportunity  to  provide affirmative consent to such
    21  collection, sale, sharing, and use of consumer data, provided that with-
    22  out such consent the buy-now-pay-later lender shall not  collect,  sell,
    23  share,  or  use  such  consumer  data.    The  superintendent,  in their
    24  discretion, may by regulation prohibit certain uses of consumer data.
    25    7. Unauthorized use. The superintendent  may  issue  rules  and  regu-
    26  lations  regarding  treatment of unauthorized use, so that consumers are
    27  liable for use of buy-now-pay-later  loans  in  their  name  only  under
    28  circumstances where such liability would be fair and reasonable.
    29    8.  Void buy-now-pay-later loans. Any buy-now-pay-later loan made by a
    30  person not licensed under this article, other than an  exempt  organiza-
    31  tion,  shall  be void, and such person shall have no right to collect or
    32  receive any principal, interest or charge whatsoever.
    33    § 747. Authority of superintendent. 1. The superintendent  is  author-
    34  ized  to  promulgate such general rules and regulations as may be appro-
    35  priate to implement the provisions of this article,  protect  consumers,
    36  and  ensure  the  solvency  and financial integrity of buy-now-pay-later
    37  lenders. The superintendent is further authorized to make such  specific
    38  rulings,  demands,  and  findings  as  may  be  necessary for the proper
    39  conduct of the business  authorized  and  licensed  under  and  for  the
    40  enforcement  of  this  article,  in addition hereto and not inconsistent
    41  herewith.
    42    2. In addition to such powers as may otherwise be prescribed  by  law,
    43  the superintendent is hereby authorized and empowered to promulgate such
    44  rules  and  regulations  as may in the judgment of the superintendent be
    45  consistent with the purposes of this article,  or  appropriate  for  the
    46  effective administration of this article, including, but not limited to:
    47    (a)  Such  rules  and regulations in connection with the activities of
    48  buy-now-pay-later lenders as may be necessary and  appropriate  for  the
    49  protection of borrowers in this state;
    50    (b)  Such rules and regulations as may be necessary and appropriate to
    51  define unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts  or  practices  in  connection
    52  with the activities of buy-now-pay-later lenders;
    53    (c)  Such  rules  and regulations as may define the terms used in this
    54  article and as may be necessary and appropriate to interpret and  imple-
    55  ment the provisions of this article; and

        S. 9689                             8
     1    (d) Such rules and regulations as may be necessary for the enforcement
     2  of this article.
     3    § 748. Penalties. 1. Any person, including any member, officer, direc-
     4  tor  or  employee of a buy-now-pay-later lender, who violates or partic-
     5  ipates in the violation of section seven hundred  thirty-seven  of  this
     6  article,  or  who  knowingly makes any incorrect statement of a material
     7  fact in any application, report or  statement  filed  pursuant  to  this
     8  article,  or who knowingly omits to state any material fact necessary to
     9  give the superintendent any information lawfully required by the  super-
    10  intendent  or refuses to permit any lawful investigation or examination,
    11  shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction,  shall  be  fined
    12  not  more  than five hundred dollars or imprisoned for not more than six
    13  months or both, in the discretion of the court.
    14    2. Without limiting any power granted to the superintendent under  any
    15  other provision of this chapter, the superintendent may, in a proceeding
    16  after  notice  and a hearing require a buy-now-pay-later lender, whether
    17  or not a licensee, to pay to the people of this state a penalty for  any
    18  violation  of  this  chapter, any regulation promulgated thereunder, any
    19  final or temporary order issued pursuant to section thirty-nine of  this
    20  chapter,  any  condition  imposed  in  writing  by the superintendent in
    21  connection with the grant of any application or request, or any  written
    22  agreement entered into with the superintendent, and for knowingly making
    23  any incorrect statement of a material fact in any application, report or
    24  statement filed pursuant to this article, or knowingly omitting to state
    25  any  material  fact necessary to give the superintendent any information
    26  lawfully required by the superintendent or refusing to permit any lawful
    27  investigation or examination. As to any buy-now-pay-later lender that is
    28  not a licensee or an exempt organization, the superintendent is  author-
    29  ized  to  impose  a  penalty  in  the  same amount authorized in section
    30  forty-four of this chapter for a violation of this chapter by any person
    31  licensed,  certified,  registered,  authorized,  chartered,  accredited,
    32  incorporated  or  otherwise  approved  by the superintendent pursuant to
    33  this chapter.
    34    3. No person shall make, directly or indirectly, orally or in writing,
    35  or by any method, practice or device, a representation that such  person
    36  is  licensed  under  the  banking  law except that a licensee under this
    37  chapter may make a representation that the licensee  is  licensed  as  a
    38  buy-now-pay-later lender under this chapter.
    39    § 749. Severability.  If any provision of this article or the applica-
    40  tion thereof to any person or circumstances is held to be invalid,  such
    41  invalidity  shall  not  affect  other provisions or applications of this
    42  article which can be given  effect  without  the  invalid  provision  or
    43  application,  and to this end the provisions of this article are severa-
    44  ble.
    45    § 2. Subdivision 1 of section 36 of the banking  law,  as  amended  by
    46  chapter 146 of the laws of 1961, is amended to read as follows:
    47    1.  The  superintendent  shall have the power to examine every banking
    48  organization, every bank holding company and any non-banking  subsidiary
    49  thereof  (as  such terms "bank holding company" and "non-banking subsid-
    50  iary" are defined in article three-A of this chapter) and every licensed
    51  lender and licensed buy-now-pay-later lender at any time  prior  to  its
    52  dissolution  whenever  in  his judgment such examination is necessary or
    53  advisable.
    54    § 3. Subdivision 10 of section 36 of the banking law,  as  amended  by
    55  section  2  of  part  L of chapter 58 of the laws of 2019, is amended to
    56  read as follows:

        S. 9689                             9

     1    10. All reports of examinations and investigations, correspondence and
     2  memoranda concerning or arising out of  such  examination  and  investi-
     3  gations,  including any duly authenticated copy or copies thereof in the
     4  possession of any banking organization,  bank  holding  company  or  any
     5  subsidiary  thereof  (as  such terms "bank holding company" and "subsid-
     6  iary" are defined in article three-A of this chapter),  any  corporation
     7  or  any  other  entity affiliated with a banking organization within the
     8  meaning of subdivision six of this section and any  non-banking  subsid-
     9  iary  of  a  corporation  or any other entity which is an affiliate of a
    10  banking organization within the meaning of  subdivision  six-a  of  this
    11  section, foreign banking corporation, licensed lender, licensed buy-now-
    12  pay-later  lender,  licensed casher of checks, licensed mortgage banker,
    13  registered mortgage broker, licensed mortgage loan originator,  licensed
    14  sales  finance  company,  registered  mortgage  loan  servicer, licensed
    15  student  loan  servicer,  licensed  insurance  premium  finance  agency,
    16  licensed transmitter of money, licensed budget planner, any other person
    17  or  entity subject to supervision under this chapter, or the department,
    18  shall be confidential communications, shall not be subject  to  subpoena
    19  and  shall not be made public unless, in the judgment of the superinten-
    20  dent, the ends of justice and the public advantage will be subserved  by
    21  the  publication  thereof, in which event the superintendent may publish
    22  or authorize the publication of a copy of any such report  or  any  part
    23  thereof  in  such  manner  as  may  be deemed proper or unless such laws
    24  specifically authorize such disclosure. For the purposes of this  subdi-
    25  vision, "reports of examinations and investigations, and any correspond-
    26  ence  and  memoranda  concerning or arising out of such examinations and
    27  investigations", includes any such materials of  a  bank,  insurance  or
    28  securities  regulatory  agency  or any unit of the federal government or
    29  that of this state any other state or that  of  any  foreign  government
    30  which  are  considered confidential by such agency or unit and which are
    31  in the possession of the department or which are otherwise  confidential
    32  materials  that  have been shared by the department with any such agency
    33  or unit and are in the possession of such agency or unit.
    34    § 4. Subdivisions 3 and 5 of section 37 of the banking law, as amended
    35  by chapter 360 of the laws of 1984, are amended to read as follows:
    36    3. In addition to any reports expressly required by this chapter to be
    37  made, the superintendent may require any banking organization,  licensed
    38  lender,  licensed  buy-now-pay-later  lender, licensed casher of checks,
    39  licensed mortgage banker, foreign banking corporation  licensed  by  the
    40  superintendent  to  do  business in this state, bank holding company and
    41  any non-banking subsidiary thereof, corporate affiliate of  a  corporate
    42  banking  organization  within  the meaning of subdivision six of section
    43  thirty-six of this article and any non-banking subsidiary  of  a  corpo-
    44  ration  which is an affiliate of a corporate banking organization within
    45  the meaning of subdivision six-a of section thirty-six of  this  article
    46  to  make  special  reports  to [him] the superintendent at such times as
    47  [he] the superintendent may prescribe.
    48    5.  The  superintendent  may  extend  at  [his]  the  superintendent's
    49  discretion the time within which a banking organization, foreign banking
    50  corporation licensed by the superintendent to do business in this state,
    51  bank  holding  company  or  any non-banking subsidiary thereof, licensed
    52  casher of checks, licensed mortgage  banker,  private  banker,  licensed
    53  buy-now-pay-later lender or licensed lender is required to make and file
    54  any report to the superintendent.
    55    §  5. Section 39 of the banking law, as amended by section 3 of part L
    56  of chapter 58 of the laws of 2019, is amended to read as follows:

        S. 9689                            10
     1    § 39. Orders of superintendent. 1. To appear and explain  an  apparent
     2  violation. Whenever it shall appear to the superintendent that any bank-
     3  ing  organization,  bank  holding  company,  registered mortgage broker,
     4  licensed mortgage banker, licensed  student  loan  servicer,  registered
     5  mortgage  loan  servicer,  licensed  mortgage  loan originator, licensed
     6  lender, licensed buy-now-pay-later lender, licensed  casher  of  checks,
     7  licensed sales finance company, licensed insurance premium finance agen-
     8  cy, licensed transmitter of money, licensed budget planner, out-of-state
     9  state  bank  that  maintains  a  branch or branches or representative or
    10  other offices in this state, or foreign banking corporation licensed  by
    11  the superintendent to do business or maintain a representative office in
    12  this  state  has  violated any law or regulation, [he or she] the super-
    13  intendent may, in [his or her] the superintendent's discretion, issue an
    14  order describing such apparent  violation  and  requiring  such  banking
    15  organization, bank holding company, registered mortgage broker, licensed
    16  mortgage  banker, licensed student loan servicer, licensed mortgage loan
    17  originator, licensed lender, licensed buy-now-pay-later lender, licensed
    18  casher of checks, licensed sales  finance  company,  licensed  insurance
    19  premium  finance  agency, licensed transmitter of money, licensed budget
    20  planner, out-of-state state bank that maintains a branch or branches  or
    21  representative or other offices in this state, or foreign banking corpo-
    22  ration  to  appear before [him or her] the superintendent, at a time and
    23  place fixed in said order, to present an explanation  of  such  apparent
    24  violation.
    25    2.  To discontinue unauthorized or unsafe and unsound practices. When-
    26  ever it shall appear to the superintendent that  any  banking  organiza-
    27  tion,  bank  holding company, registered mortgage broker, licensed mort-
    28  gage banker, licensed student loan servicer,  registered  mortgage  loan
    29  servicer,  licensed  mortgage loan originator, licensed lender, licensed
    30  buy-now-pay-later lender, licensed  casher  of  checks,  licensed  sales
    31  finance  company,  licensed  insurance  premium finance agency, licensed
    32  transmitter of money, licensed budget planner, out-of-state  state  bank
    33  that  maintains  a branch or branches or representative or other offices
    34  in this state, or foreign banking corporation  licensed  by  the  super-
    35  intendent  to  do  business  in  this state is conducting business in an
    36  unauthorized or unsafe and unsound manner, [he or she]  the  superinten-
    37  dent  may,  in  [his  or  her] the superintendent's discretion, issue an
    38  order directing the discontinuance of such unauthorized  or  unsafe  and
    39  unsound  practices,  and  fixing  a time and place at which such banking
    40  organization, bank holding company, registered mortgage broker, licensed
    41  mortgage banker, licensed student  loan  servicer,  registered  mortgage
    42  loan  servicer,  licensed  mortgage  loan  originator,  licensed lender,
    43  licensed buy-now-pay-later lender, licensed casher of  checks,  licensed
    44  sales  finance  company,  licensed  insurance  premium  finance  agency,
    45  licensed transmitter of money,  licensed  budget  planner,  out-of-state
    46  state  bank  that  maintains  a  branch or branches or representative or
    47  other offices in this state, or foreign banking corporation  may  volun-
    48  tarily  appear  before  [him  or  her] the superintendent to present any
    49  explanation in defense of the practices directed in  said  order  to  be
    50  discontinued.
    51    3.  To  make  good  impairment of capital or to ensure compliance with
    52  financial requirements. Whenever it shall appear to  the  superintendent
    53  that  the  capital  or  capital  stock of any banking organization, bank
    54  holding company or any subsidiary thereof which is  organized,  licensed
    55  or  registered  pursuant  to this chapter, is impaired, or the financial
    56  requirements imposed by subdivision one of section two hundred two-b  of

        S. 9689                            11
     1  this  chapter  or  any regulation of the superintendent on any branch or
     2  agency of a foreign banking corporation or  the  financial  requirements
     3  imposed  by  this chapter or any regulation of the superintendent on any
     4  licensed  lender, licensed buy-now-pay-later lender, registered mortgage
     5  broker,  licensed  mortgage  banker,  licensed  student  loan  servicer,
     6  licensed  casher  of  checks,  licensed  sales finance company, licensed
     7  insurance  premium  finance  agency,  licensed  transmitter  of   money,
     8  licensed  budget planner or private banker are not satisfied, the super-
     9  intendent may,  in  the  superintendent's  discretion,  issue  an  order
    10  directing  that  such banking organization, bank holding company, branch
    11  or agency of a foreign banking corporation, registered mortgage  broker,
    12  licensed mortgage banker, licensed student loan servicer, licensed lend-
    13  er,  licensed  buy-now-pay-later  lender,  licensed  casher  of  checks,
    14  licensed sales finance company, licensed insurance premium finance agen-
    15  cy, licensed transmitter of money, licensed budget planner,  or  private
    16  banker make good such deficiency forthwith or within a time specified in
    17  such order.
    18    4. To make good encroachments on reserves. Whenever it shall appear to
    19  the superintendent that either the total reserves or reserves on hand of
    20  any  banking  organization, branch or agency of a foreign banking corpo-
    21  ration are below the amount required by or pursuant to this  chapter  or
    22  any other applicable provision of law or regulation to be maintained, or
    23  that  such  banking  organization, branch or agency of a foreign banking
    24  corporation is not keeping its reserves on  hand  as  required  by  this
    25  chapter  or  any other applicable provision of law or regulation, [he or
    26  she] the superintendent  may,  in  [his  or  her]  the  superintendent's
    27  discretion,  issue  an  order  directing that such banking organization,
    28  branch or agency  of  a  foreign  banking  corporation  make  good  such
    29  reserves  forthwith or within a time specified in such order, or that it
    30  keep its reserves on hand as required by this chapter.
    31    5. To keep books and accounts as prescribed. Whenever it shall  appear
    32  to the superintendent that any banking organization, bank holding compa-
    33  ny,  registered  mortgage  broker,  licensed  mortgage  banker, licensed
    34  student loan servicer, registered mortgage loan servicer, licensed mort-
    35  gage loan originator, licensed lender, licensed buy-now-pay-later  lend-
    36  er,  licensed casher of checks, licensed sales finance company, licensed
    37  insurance  premium  finance  agency,  licensed  transmitter  of   money,
    38  licensed  budget  planner,  agency or branch of a foreign banking corpo-
    39  ration licensed by the superintendent to do business in this state, does
    40  not keep its books and accounts in such manner as to enable [him or her]
    41  the superintendent to readily ascertain its true condition, [he or  she]
    42  the superintendent may, in [his or her] the superintendent's discretion,
    43  issue  an order requiring such banking organization, bank holding compa-
    44  ny, registered  mortgage  broker,  licensed  mortgage  banker,  licensed
    45  student loan servicer, registered mortgage loan servicer, licensed mort-
    46  gage  loan originator, licensed lender, licensed buy-now-pay-later lend-
    47  er, licensed casher of checks, licensed sales finance company,  licensed
    48  insurance   premium  finance  agency,  licensed  transmitter  of  money,
    49  licensed budget planner, or foreign banking corporation, or the officers
    50  or agents thereof, or any of them,  to  open  and  keep  such  books  or
    51  accounts  as  [he  or  she]  the superintendent may, in [his or her] the
    52  superintendent's discretion, determine and prescribe for the purpose  of
    53  keeping   accurate  and  convenient  records  of  its  transactions  and
    54  accounts.

        S. 9689                            12
     1    6. As used in this section, "bank holding company" shall have the same
     2  meaning as that term is defined in section one hundred forty-one of this
     3  chapter.
     4    §  6.  Subdivision  1  of section 42 of the banking law, as amended by
     5  chapter 65 of the laws of 1948, is amended to read as follows:
     6    1. The name and the location of the principal office of every proposed
     7  corporation, private banker, licensed lender, licensed buy-now-pay-later
     8  lender and licensed casher  of  checks,  the  organization  certificate,
     9  private  banker's  certificate  or  application for license of which has
    10  been filed for examination, and the date of such filing.
    11    § 7. Subdivision 2 of section 42 of the banking  law,  as  amended  by
    12  chapter 553 of the laws of 1960, is amended to read as follows:
    13    2.  The  name and location of every licensed lender, licensed buy-now-
    14  pay-later lender and licensed casher of checks, and the name,  location,
    15  amount  of  capital  stock or permanent capital and amount of surplus of
    16  every corporation and private banker and the minimum assets required  of
    17  every  branch  of  a  foreign banking corporation authorized to commence
    18  business, and the date of authorization or licensing.
    19    § 8. Subdivision 3 of section 42 of the banking  law,  as  amended  by
    20  chapter 553 of the laws of 1960, is amended to read as follows:
    21    3. The name of every proposed corporation, private banker, branch of a
    22  foreign banking corporation, licensed lender, licensed buy-now-pay-later
    23  lender  and licensed casher of checks to which a certificate of authori-
    24  zation or a license has been refused and the date of notice of refusal.
    25    § 9. Subdivision 4 of section 42 of the banking  law,  as  amended  by
    26  chapter 60 of the laws of 1957, is amended to read as follows:
    27    4.  The  name  and  location of every private banker, licensed lender,
    28  licensed casher of checks, sales finance company, licensed  buy-now-pay-
    29  later  lender  and  foreign corporation the authorization certificate or
    30  license of which has been revoked, and the date of such revocation.
    31    § 10. Subdivision 5 of section 42 of the banking law,  as  amended  by
    32  chapter 249 of the laws of 1968, is amended to read as follows:
    33    5.  The  name of every banking organization, licensed lender, licensed
    34  casher of checks, licensed buy-now-pay-later lender and  foreign  corpo-
    35  ration  which  has  applied  for leave to change its place or one of its
    36  places of business and the places  from  and  to  which  the  change  is
    37  proposed  to  be  made; the name of every banking organization which has
    38  applied to change the designation of its principal office  to  a  branch
    39  office and to change the designation of one of its branch offices to its
    40  principal  office,  and  the  location  of the principal office which is
    41  proposed to be redesignated as a branch office and of the branch  office
    42  which is proposed to be redesignated as the principal office.
    43    §  11.  Subdivision  6 of section 42 of the banking law, as amended by
    44  chapter 249 of the laws of 1968, is amended to read as follows:
    45    6. The name of every banking organization, licensed  lender,  licensed
    46  casher  of  checks, licensed buy-now-pay-later lender and foreign corpo-
    47  ration authorized to change its place or one of its places  of  business
    48  and the date when and the places from and to which the change is author-
    49  ized  to  be  made; the name of every banking organization authorized to
    50  change the designation of its principal office to a branch office and to
    51  change the designation of a branch office to its principal  office,  the
    52  location  of  the  redesignated principal office and of the redesignated
    53  branch office, and the date of such change.
    54    § 12. Paragraph (a) of subdivision 1 of section 44 of the banking law,
    55  as amended by section 4 of part L of chapter 58 of the laws of 2019,  is
    56  amended to read as follows:

        S. 9689                            13
     1    (a) Without limiting any power granted to the superintendent under any
     2  other provision of this chapter, the superintendent may, in a proceeding
     3  after  notice  and a hearing, require any safe deposit company, licensed
     4  lender, licensed buy-now-pay-later lender, licensed  casher  of  checks,
     5  licensed sales finance company, licensed insurance premium finance agen-
     6  cy,  licensed  transmitter  of money, licensed mortgage banker, licensed
     7  student loan servicer, registered  mortgage  broker,  licensed  mortgage
     8  loan  originator,  registered  mortgage loan servicer or licensed budget
     9  planner to pay to the people of this state a penalty for  any  violation
    10  of  this  chapter,  any  regulation promulgated thereunder, any final or
    11  temporary order issued pursuant to section thirty-nine of this  article,
    12  any  condition  imposed  in  writing by the superintendent in connection
    13  with the grant of any application or request, or any  written  agreement
    14  entered into with the superintendent.
    15    §  13.  This  act  shall  take effect on the one hundred eightieth day
    16  after the department of financial services shall have promulgated  rules
    17  and/or  regulations  necessary to effectuate the provisions of this act;
    18  provided that the department of  financial  services  shall  notify  the
    19  legislative  bill drafting commission upon the occurrence of the promul-
    20  gation of the rules and regulations necessary to effectuate and  enforce
    21  the  provisions of section two of this act, in order that the commission
    22  may maintain an accurate and timely effective  record  of  the  official
    23  text of the laws of the state of New York in furtherance of effectuating
    24  the  provisions of section 44 of the legislative law and section 70-b of
    25  the public officers law. Effective immediately, the addition,  amendment
    26  and/or  repeal  of  any  rule or regulation authorized to be made by the
    27  superintendent pursuant to  this  act  is  authorized  to  be  made  and
    28  completed on or before such effective date.
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