Strengthening Our Community: A Legislative Update from Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara

By Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara

As we progress through the 2024 legislative session, I wanted to share some of the impactful work happening right here in the New York State Assembly, efforts aimed at making our community stronger, safer, and more affordable.

Boosting our Economy:

The recent passage of the federal CHIPS and Science Act has marked a turning point for our nation’s manufacturing and supply chain. Here in the Empire State, we’re seeing significant investments in research, nanotechnology, and clean energy. I’m thrilled to report that our efforts have borne fruit locally, with Micron Technology’s $100 billion investment in Central New York, creating 9,000 high-paying jobs through the Green CHIPS program, a project I proudly championed.

Wage and Family Support Initiatives:

Advocating for hardworking New Yorkers is at the heart of my work. Last year, I successfully pushed for an annual increase in the minimum wage until 2027, indexed to inflation thereafter. This ensures that families can make ends meet. Furthermore, our efforts extended to bolstering the child tax credit and investing in childcare infrastructure, providing tangible support to families across our state.

Education Enhancement:

Our commitment to New York families includes a steadfast focus on improving our education system. Through securing significant funding for our schools and fully funding Foundation Aid after nearly two decades, we’re ensuring that every child has access to quality education. Moreover, we’re doubling down on funding for opportunity programs, ensuring all students have the chance to succeed.

Environmental Sustainability:

Protecting our environment is paramount. I continue to support clean water, air, and renewable energy initiatives. Notably, I’m leading efforts to transform Schenectady’s Central Park “Casino” building into an Environmental Education Center, promoting awareness and education on critical environmental issues.


Community Safety:

A safe community is a healthy one. I remain committed to supporting our first responders, ensuring they have the resources and support they need to keep us safe.

Affordability Focus:

Affordability remains a top concern for New Yorkers. That said, I’ll continue working to implement policies that promote affordability across the board.

Addressing Food Insecurity:

No family should face food insecurity. I’m dedicated to working with local organizations to ensure everyone has access to nutritious meals. By supporting programs like HPNAP and Nourish NY, we’re building a stronger, more resilient community.

I want to hear from you!

As we navigate this legislative session, I invite you to share your thoughts and concerns through my 2024 constituent survey, available on my website. Your feedback is invaluable in shaping our community’s future.

Please take a moment to complete the survey here.

As always, my team and I are here to assist you in any way we can. Feel free to reach out by phone at 518-382-2941 or via email at

Together, let’s continue building a stronger, healthier, and safer community for all.