Santabarbara Pleased Mandatory Fee for New License Plates No Longer an Issue

“I’m pleased to see that the Governor has announced that he WILL NOT move forward with a mandatory $25 fee for new license plates,” said Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara. “This is a BIG WIN for hardworking people and families this would have hurt. However, it seems to me that the Governor and NYS DMV Commissioner are still missing the point.” Drivers never took issue with replacing damaged plates but the governor’s program FORCED drivers to replace plates, regardless of condition.

“The Governor and DMV Commissioner Schroeder were both wrong on this from the start and I’m glad they realized that sooner rather than later.”

“As far as the technology excuse, other states haven’t replaced plates nearly as many times as New York and when I travel through cashless tolling I still get the bill. Furthermore, in some states there’s NO TOLL at all,” Assemblyman Santabarbara said. “And, when it comes to inspecting plates, New York already has a vehicle inspection process. Vehicles already get inspected from top to bottom every year and we’re already paying for it— we shouldn’t have to pay again!”

“Having said that, I’m planning to pass my bill on this issue, we do need legislation to ensure this issue doesn’t resurface in the future,” Assemblyman Santabarbara added.