Assemblyman Santabarbara Launches On-Line Petition Following “Short Response” from Governor’s Office on Providing State Guidelines to Allow Some Form of High School Graduation Ceremony This Year

“Under the current NY PAUSE order, mass gatherings are not allowed,” Jason Cornwall, Office of Governor Andrew Cuomo

Following the Governor’s response to explore the possibility of allowing high school graduation ceremonies to take place this year, Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara launched an on-line petition.

This follows Santabarbara’s letter to the Governor on the issue. In the letter Santabarbara wrote,“... “I ask that you to explore the possibility of allowing high school graduation ceremonies to take place by putting put forth the necessary guidelines that would be required to keep everyone safe … possibly in an outdoor setting and following social distancing guidelines,” Santabarbara said. “I can assure you that there are many others that feel these students need to be together one last time, even if it is 6 feet apart,” Santabarbara continued in the letter.

“Many parents, students in my local school districts have voiced their plea to hold some form of ceremony in an open area such as a football field, maintaining social distancing protocols,” said Assemblyman Santabarbara. “It’s something that seems possible and deserves consideration.”

Santabarbara noted, more than 200 people signed the petition within the first hour after it was launched. Santabarbara formed the online petition for others to support this idea. It can be signed here: