Assemblyman Billy Jones: Nova Bus Leaving Plattsburgh is Shocking

“Nova Bus leaving Plattsburgh is devastating news for the North Country and my heart goes out to the 350+ employees who call Nova Bus home. Between the ancillary companies and the transportation manufacturing hub, there is truly no doubt that this will have a huge impact on our communities and our region. While this does come as a shock, Nova Bus will not close their operations in Plattsburgh for at least 18 months, allowing employees and ancillary companies to plan. This is heartbreaking news, but the North Country has tremendous heart and has persevered through similar circumstances when the Plattsburgh Air Force Base and Pfizer closed. I have had many conversations with company officials, North Country Chamber of Commerce, economic development partners and other state leaders, as well as local leaders on how to best move forward and I will continue to work with these leaders to create a path that will support our community through this transition.”