Tague Calls on Legislature to Support Struggling Small Business Renters and Small Landlords Along with Tenants

“Today’s legislative session was another example of what one-party rule in our state gets us, continuous pandering to the special interests of radical New York City socialists. We keep being asked to return to Albany to vote on legislation favoring the city, but we still haven’t been able to do much to help all of the working parents, farmers, small business owners, teachers and frontline healthcare professionals in other parts of the state. With that said, I voted no on today’s bill (A.11181) because along with helping residential tenants we also need to help our small businesses renting commercial space, as the bill does not currently offer them the same protection against eviction. We also need to help the small landlords who have gone months without the income they need to pay their own bills, because as currently written, this bill doesn’t do enough for the many landlords who haven’t received rent payments since March. Although I voted against the bill, I did, however, support my colleague Andy Goodell’s amendment to the legislation that would have ended Gov. Cuomo’s extreme executive authority and given power back to the Legislature so we can get back to the people’s work and give a voice to our constituents in the legislative process.”