Assembly Majority Moves to Pass ‘Spitzer’s Law’

Bill Would Further Decriminalize Prostitution & Empower Johns (And Elliots)

BREAKING From New York State Assembly Majority: Earlier today, Assembly Majority politicians banded together to advance “Spitzer’s Law,” which would further decriminalize prostitution while empowering lawbreakers.

The bill would loosen state laws with respect to arresting offenders on loitering prostitution charges and move to normalize the nefarious practice. Today’s committee vote was the first step toward making this proposal law.

Assemblyman Chris Tague (R-Schoharie) was stunned when the votes were tallied.

“Eliot Spitzer might be able to wrap his arms around this, but most New Yorkers can’t.”

“I really did not think Albany could get more tone deaf or out of touch than this,” said Tague. “We’re facing a global health crisis. Those who need the COVID-19 vaccine the most haven’t received it yet. Small businesses are closing at a higher rate than the global recession. Debt is mounting. Families are struggling.

“Instead of scrambling to help them, Assembly Majority just executed a full court press to decriminalize prostitution instead.

“As an American and a New Yorker, this is frustrating. As a state lawmaker, I’m furious. There is no greater time in our generation for lawmakers to come together and unify to deliver real, positive and effective results for all New Yorkers. I’ll always be ready and willing to work to that end, and work with whomever to get the job done.

“But this is political. This is about pacifying progressive, New York City special interests. It doesn’t do anything to help New Yorkers during the most trying times many have ever faced.