Giglio: Drug Abuse Rising

A statement by Assemblywoman Jodi Giglio (R,C,I-Riverhead) on the recent drug overdoses on the North Fork.

“This is Assemblywoman Jodi Giglio with a life and death message I want you to bring to your family, your friends and your neighbors. There is a deadly batch of cocaine out there laced with Fentanyl. If you use this drug, it will kill you. 

Drug abuse is terrible for our community, especially with street drugs where you don’t know what you’re taking. Please speak to everyone you know, warn them, have them warn others that when using drugs you take a risk. Say no to drugs. There is help.

Overdoses have been rampant across the North Fork and six people have died within the last 10 days.

Parents, please talk to your kids. Pay attention to them. If you suspect drug abuse, get involved. Talk to them about the hazards, let them know they can overdose or worse.

If you or someone you know has an addiction, help is available. Reach out, take the initiative toward recovery. We are a loving, supportive community and now is the time to step up and help each other.

Drug abuse is a scourge we all must fight together, especially now when deadly Fentanyl and other dangerous drugs are wreaking havoc. Please know I’m with you and I care. If you need help, call me at my district office. The number for the Drug Hotline is 631-979-1700 and know that all conversations are kept confidential. You can call and report a friend or family member that may need intervention. I will do whatever I can to help get us through this. 

I have been in contact with Suffolk County Legislator Al Krupski, the district attorney, and members of the East End Drug Task Force. Please call my office at 631-727-0204 if you’re interested in a Narcan training class.”