Walsh: Opening Summer School Programs is the Right Thing to do

Today, Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) sent a letter to Gov. Cuomo calling on him to authorize summer school programs to open for students with IEPs (Individual Education Programs) and special needs.

While in session last week, Walsh advocated on how important in-person instruction is to this vulnerable population of students on the Assembly floor.

“As summer camps were given the green light to go ahead and open at the end of this month, the right thing to do is to allow special education summer school programs to do so as well. Many of the children in summer school critically need the in-person structure and interaction that can only be provided by physically being in the classroom,” said Walsh.

“Over the past few months, I’ve been contacted by many parents, both from my district and outside of it, who have expressed extreme concern about their children not receiving the services and education that they need. As the ranker on the Education Committee, I am fully aware that the support these students receive, especially those with IEPs, cannot be replicated over Zoom or Skype.

“I know these professionals have been doing all that they can to accommodate online learning, but instruction for special needs students’ works best when the teacher, therapist or service provider is in the classroom with the students. Despite valiant efforts, many parents have found that their children are regressing. I can only hope that the governor will hear our calls to allow in-person instruction for this vulnerable population of students.”

To view Walsh’s floor debate on this issue, please click https://youtu.be/gjoc46XifDc

To view the Crossroad Center for Children’s letter, please click here.