Walsh: Calling on the Governor to Invest in Upstate Infrastructure as Promised

Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston), along with the Assembly Minority Conference, wrote a letter to Gov. Cuomo calling on him to provide funding and authorization for local transportation programs like CHIPS, PAVE-NY, BRIDGE-NY and Extreme Winter Recovery. Although construction has been deemed essential from the onset of the pandemic, $743 million in local infrastructure construction and maintenance projects remain in limbo due to inaction by the state.

“In order to get our state’s economy moving after months of hardship, our local transportation programs desperately need to be provided the funds already allocated to them. The governor has said himself that to restart the economy we need to repair our infrastructure,” said Walsh. “Our upstate transportation system is just as important to our state and rebooting our economy as downstate tunnels and mass transit needs. It’s time to release this funding to local transportation programs immediately and help our state move forward.”

To view the letter, click here.