Assemblyman Charles D. Fall Introduces Legislation Requiring a Local Government to File Application for Homeless Shelter

Assemblyman Charles D. Fall (D-Richmond) recently introduced legislation that would require a city with a population of one million or more to file an application with the Uniform Land Use Review Board with exemption to a state or local act of emergency.

Under current statute, all a city needs is an operating certificate from the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA). The legislation would also require the city to give a community 120-not 30- day notice to voice any potential concerns about a site.

“This isn’t about preventing homeless shelters from opening. This is about government transparency when community leaders, elected officials and residents raise public safety, transportation and educational concerns with sites of homeless shelters that will house women, men and children.

All forms of government need to be more accountable to the concerns of its communities in the decision making process that directly affect their neighborhoods,” said Fall.