Statement from Assemblyman Jeff Gallahan on DOCCS Facility Closures

Earlier today, the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS) announced six of their facilities will close on March 10, 2022. The closures announced were: Ogdensburg Correctional Facility, Moriah Shock Incarceration Correctional Facility, Southport Correctional Facility, Downstate Correctional Facility, Rochester Correctional Facility in Monroe County and Willard Drug Treatment Campus in Seneca County. 

“This announcement is another example of how Majority lawmakers in Albany care more about criminals than the safety of New Yorkers. For years, the state has done nothing to address the rise in attacks against corrections officers. Instead they have chosen to cut costs to fund their liberal pro-criminal policies by closing these facilities and making our communities less safe. Gov. Hochul and her Majority colleagues need to realize that cutting wasteful spending does not mean defunding the criminal justice system,” said Assemblyman Jeff Gallahan (R,C-Manchester).

“To the nearly 2,000 staff members throughout these facilities who will be affected by these closures, please know I am thinking of you and I will continue to fight to bring common sense to Albany. We must stop throwing the lives of those who work so hard for our state into chaos with these little-notice, drastic closures,” said Assemblyman Gallahan.