Freedom Isn’t Free and Neither is College for Military Family Members

Today, Assemblywoman Marjorie Byrnes (R,C-Caledonia) called out the Assembly Majority for blocking a bill (A.2991) that would provide free college tuition to family members of New York state military personnel who lost their lives in the line of duty. The bill would require the surviving dependent family members to attend a SUNY or CUNY institution, where they would receive free tuition and room and board. Assemblywoman Deborah Glick, chairwoman of the Higher Education Committee, called the proposal “an entitlement” and “costly.” The estimated cost for the bill would be only a fraction of the taxpayer-funded $27 million provided for tuition assistance to illegal residents, which the Assembly Majority passed earlier this year.

“I am deeply disappointed with the Assembly Majority and their inconsistent policies. The children of our fallen soldiers have faced countless hardships after the loss of their parent. Providing tuition to these children is a small sacrifice our state should make in comparison,” said Byrnes. “The Assembly Majority’s utter disrespect for our veterans who have so bravely and selflessly fought for our country is incomprehensible. It is a sad day here in state government.”