Byrnes Opposes Committee Vote to Restrict Federal Law Enforcement from Making Arrests

Today, the Assembly Codes Committee voted to move a bill that would prevent federal law enforcement from entering a courthouse to obtain illegal immigrants involved in a court proceeding. Assembly Bill 2176 would protect any party or individual involved in court proceedings from being arrested, even if they are living here illegally. Assemblywoman Marjorie Byrnes (R,C-Caledonia) vehemently opposes this legislation due to its possible restraints on federal law enforcement.

“Majority has voted for a bill that would literally prevent law enforcement from doing their job. It will force local law enforcement to prevent federal law enforcement from entering a public building and arresting criminals. As far as I’m concerned, this isn’t immigration reform, this is a safety risk,” said Byrnes. “As we approach the end of session, there are far more important issues state legislators should be focusing their efforts on.”